August 20, 2023

The President, Shivaji Samaddar welcomed the members present and announced that If there is no quorum within half an hour of the time fixed, the meeting shall stand adjourned for 15 minutes and shall be held thereafter. No quorum shall be required for such adjourned meeting and all decisions taken therein shall be valid.
At 10.30 am, the President announced that, for want of quorum, the meeting was being adjourned for 15 minutes.
The meeting was called to order by the President at 10.45 am.
The agenda was read out.

The minutes of the last GBM held on October 9, 2022 was read out by the President and those were confirmed by the members present.

The President’s Report on the activities of the previous year had already been circulated to the members. Mr Samaddar mentioned the salient points from the Report. The report was passed unanimously.

The Auditors Report and the Statement of Accounts for the year 2022-23 were presented by the Treasurer A R Das.  These had already been circulated amongst the members. The Treasurer Mr. Aditya Raj Das briefly pointed out some important features:

*Net excess of expenditure over income (after taking into account the bank interest income) this year was Rs 158407/- as against an excess of income over expenditure of Rs 486844/- last year.

*Legal Expenses were higher than last year due to the court case the Society had to defend. The President gave details of the legal cases including that of  Mr N K Sarin which has been settled at the intervention of the High Court.  

*Maintenance – water supply expenses were higher than last year’s due to comprehensive servicing of the filter unit and immediate repairing of the underground water supply line at three places.

Generator maintenance collection was nil this year as debit notes on this account were not issued during the year.

Mr J C Verma wanted affairs connected with flat No. 119 be reflected in the Accounts. The President informed him that this was a private and informal matter not involving the Society and as such it would not be proper to discuss it in the AGM. However, he could get details after the meeting (after a couple of days as Mr Sukumar Banerjee was out of station at the moment Mr N P Radhakrishnan who took care of the said flat is also arriving from Kerala in a week or so). Mr Shakeel Ahmed, Ms Meeta Sanghvi and Mr Ashok Tuteja were not satisfied and insistent. They felt that affairs of flat 119 should be part of Society’s accounts. Mr Ahmed also wanted clarity on the ownership of the flat. In short, they wanted transparency on this matter.  Mr Vinod Sharma and Mrs Meeta Vijay Sanghvi said that it involves matter of security and Society must be in the loop. Mr Srikrishna questioned the authority/permission basis which the flat is being used as a ‘guest house’. Mr Sunil Ghatade and Mr Ratan Singh Verma clarified that there were huge dues on account of the flat no 119 towards the Society, DESU and MCD (Property tax) too. To prevent all these Mr Radhakrishnan and Mr Banarjee looked after the flat and provided it only to Members in case of emergencies. All the dues were cleared from that collection only.  Mr V Mohan Naryan, Mr Pallav Bagla, Me A R Das and Mr Subimal Chowdhury intervened to say that the flat is used by Members only and that too in case of emergency and there should not be any confusion on that issue. The President told the members that their views have been noted.

Mr Shakeel Ahmed wanted some clarifications on ‘Building replacement Fund’ and ‘Building Maintenance Fund’ etc mentioned at page No. 4 of the Auditors’ Report. The Auditor was at hand and clarified the matter. To a query, the President informed that while such Funds added up to Rs 36 lakhs, the amount in FDRs was Rs 43 lakhs as on March 31. The members were also informed in response to a query that out of the Rs 9.97 lakhs received for Mr Sareen Rs 7 lakhs have already been put in Fixed Deposits. To a query from Mr Shakeel Ahmad, the president clarified that since all 61 water tanks were not required to be extensively repaired the cost of the tanks were borne by individual members using the concerned tanks.

To queries from Mr Shakeel Ahmed and Mr Vinod Sharma the legal status of permissibility of cash transactions was clarified by the CA. The President informed members that Bank details (IFSC code, account nos. etc) are shared with members in all communications and many members are transfering money directly to our bank.    

The members thereafter passed the Audit Report and Audited Statements of Accounts.

Elections to MC 2020-23: The President informed the members that, under the stewardship of Mr Sunderarajan, returning Officer, polling were on for two posts of Vice Presidents 9.00 am onwards. It would continue till 2.00 pm. Thereafter counting of the votes polled would take place and the results would be announced at the AGM, to be reconvened at 4.00 pm.

Facelift:  The note already circulated on the subject was read out. The President gave details of the proposed facelift project. Basically, Mr Subimal Chowdhury said the total expenditure for the facelift done after 13 years will be about 37/40 lakhs which will be collected on flat type basis on instalments. After discussions, the House agreed to the amount and also approved collection of the first installment (worked out on the basis of Rs 37 lakhs) so that work may start soon. The first instalment is Rs 10000/ Rs7000/ Rs6000/ Rs5000 for A/B/C/D categories of flats respectively. At this point Mr J C Verma wanted to know why Society cannot bear a part of the cost as used to be done earlier. Mr Subimal Chauduri pointed out that a few other big projects like installing a new Generator and other issues will be soon coming up during which this suggestion can be discussed. Mr Vinod Sharma wanted that during the facelift the wires cables hanging all around should be put under batons and electric boxes should be repaired and painted.  Mr Pallav Bagla pointed out that many shafts have not been repaired or painted since the beginning and these should be attended to this time. Mr Vinod Sharma suggested that a delegation from the Society should meet LG and discuss redevelopment issues. Mr J C Verma wanted to know if lifts can be installed in non-lift blocks as are being done in a few other societies. . To a query from Mr N N Gupta it was explained again that the exact cost could not be fixed and shared right now as the cost would depend among other things, the extent of repairs that would be required to be carried out. The first instalment that has been proposed to be asked for is on the basis of an estimate of Rs 37 lakhs, as has been explained earlier. 

Budget: the proposal as passed by the MC was presented by the Treasurer. It was approved by the members. The Treasurer clarified, on a query, that no proposal for a hike in Maintenance Charges were included in the proposals. A hike however is called for in the near future in view of the mismatch between Income and Expenditure.

Mr Pallav Bagla felt that the MC and the Society fared commendably during the COVID 19 pandemic and it should be put on record.

The meeting was at this point adjourned till 4.00 pm for announcement of results of the ongoing elections.

The meeting was reconvened at 4.00 pm. The President Shivaji Samaddar welcomed the Returning Officer, Mr P Sunderarajan.

Mr P Sunderarajan took over the proceedings of the AGM and declared the candidates elected  as per the following list:

Election for Managing Committee 2023-26
List of elected candidates

SHIVAJI SAMADDAR (322) Elected unopposed
1. C K NAYAK (300) 54 Votes Elected
2. R SEDHURAMAN (337) 54 Votes Elected
3. SUBIMAL CHOUDHURY (346) 32 Votes —
1. K UNNIKRISHNAN (428) Elected unopposed
2. ADITYA RAJ DAS (376) Elected unopposed
3. ASHOK KUMAR (481) Elected unopposed
4. V S CHAUHAN (440) Elected unopposed
5. S BANERJEE (383) Elected unopposed
6. RATTAN SINGH VERMA (340) Elected unopposed
7. GIRISH VARGHESE (50) Elected unopposed
8. S P GATADE (411) Elected unopposed
9. H S BAWA (402) Elected unopposed
10. ANAND RADHAKRISHNAN (487) Elected unopposed
1. Ms JOYEETA DEY (334) Elected unopposed
2. Ms MEETA VIJAY SANGHVI (325) Elected unopposed

After declaration of the results, I placed on record my appreciation for the conduct of all the candidates and voters for their cooperation extended to me during the election process. I also thanked the Managing Committee and Mr D K Singh, for their cooperation and called upon Mr Shivaji Samaddar to take over the proceedings.

P Sunderarajan
Returning Officer

The President thanked the Returning Officer Mr Sunderarajan for conducting the elections smoothly.
The meeting ended with thanks to the chair.

Shivaji Samaddar